Get back in the driver’s seat…

“I know trauma can make life feel totally out of control. Therapy has helped me to get back into the driver’s seat of my own life, and I know it can help you too.” - Katy

Whether you are struggling to get through your day-to-day, or have people-pleased and over-acheived your way through life, dealing with trauma is absolutely exhausting.

We want to help you find a balance in life where YOU feel in control. We treat complex trauma, personality disorders, and eating disorders through somatic and attachment-focused therapies, Internal Family Systems, and EMDR while engaging in a directive and supportive therapeutic style.

We are especially committed to providing quality trauma therapy to clients who fit under the neurodivergent umbrella (ASD, ADHD, OCD, DID, HSP, etc.), as trauma can impact these clients in unique ways.


  • The quickest way to contact us is through the form on the contact page. After we receive your request we’ll send a brief screening document to make sure we connect you with the best therapist for you so that you can get started as soon as possible!

  • We offer in-person appointments Monday-Sunday. However, our therapists are in the office on different days. If you are interested in an in-person appointment on a particular day, let us know!

    Virtual therapy is also available most days. Katy offers virtual therapy in TN, FL and KY. Our other therapists offer virtual therapy within TN.

    Most appointments available between 10am and 6pm. Additional times may be available upon request!

  • Our rates range between $150-200.

    Sliding scale is determined on a case by case basis and is not always available.

    In certain cases, you may be able to submit a superbill to your insurance company for partial reimbursement. Katy Hurst Counseling, LLC is not in network with any insurance companies.

    Payment estimates available in compliance with the No Surprises Act. See legal information.

  • We recommend starting with weekly therapy if you are under a lot of stress or want to get the ball rolling. Once we are in the swing of things, decreasing to every other week or once a month is totally fine.

    If you are feeling pretty good and starting therapy as a preventative measure or to work on longer-standing concerns, it may be appropriate for you to start with sessions every other week.